Channel: Onnit
Category: Education
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Description: Hannah Eden takes you throw her favorite single kettlebell exercises for beginners. ► Shop Onnit Kettlebells: ► Try Hannah Eden's Training App: | Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts | If you’re not sure exactly what training with kettlebells can do for you, here’s a rundown of the selling points. | Good Form | Kettlebell training builds muscle and strength like any other type of resistance training, but it’s especially good for developing body awareness and good movement skills at the same time, and that will transfer over to any other kind of training or athletic activity you’re interested in. The reason why lies in the kettlebell’s design. The center of gravity (the bell itself) is displaced six to eight inches away from the handle you grip, and that makes it harder to control than a dumbbell, barbell, and most other conventional training implements. Almost any exercise you do, then, is going to require you to keep stricter form in order to perform it correctly, and your body will have to activate more overall muscle to get it done. Imagine a kettlebell overhead press. Because the weight hangs at a distance from the handle, it will tempt your arm to drift backward as you press. You have to concentrate on controlling your shoulder to the max in order to press the weight straight up, and that not only builds bigger, stronger shoulders, but also makes you better at the skill of shoulder pressing. Most kettlebell exercises expose your weaknesses right away. If you feel your lower back hyperextending and your ribs flaring while you press, you know you have to work on keeping your core tight, and you may need extra shoulder and T-spine mobility training as well. Many people will do barbell back squats and allow their chests to fall forward, their knees to cave inward, and their heels to come off the floor. But when you do a goblet squat with a kettlebell, it’s easy to see and feel a correct rep versus a sloppy one. Core and Grip Strength The kettlebell’s offset loading also ensures that virtually any exercise you do will be a core exercise, as your core keeps your whole body from getting pulled out of alignment. Meanwhile, the kettlebell’s handle is slicker and less accommodating than a dumbbell’s, meaning that your grip/forearm muscles will have to clamp down harder—so kettlebells are great for building an iron handshake and the ability to hold on tight. Hannah Eden is a fitness entrepreneur, influencer, and philanthropist whose unstoppable drive to help others is making the world a better place. Eden drew international attention in 2018 when she biked and ran Iceland’s 828.6-mile Ring Road in just nine days to honor her best friend, Jessica Boswell, who passed away from cancer. Eden raised nearly $60,000 for cancer research and the Serene Soldier Foundation, a group founded in Boswell’s memory that works to give cancer patients and their families a happy Christmas. In late 2015, at age 24, the London native founded PumpFit Club, a boutique studio located in the heart of downtown Fort Lauderdale, FL, where she hosts group classes that offer a unique approach to HIIT training. You can work out with Hannah from anywhere in the world using her Daily Sweat program, HEF Training App, or individual Ebook Challenges, which are all available on her website, | Follow Hannah Eden | ► YouTube: ► Instagram: #kettlebell #workout #getonnit Musicbed SyncID: MB01P8N80BUP87O ============================================= | Connect with Onnit | ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Twitter: ► Pinterest: Our mission is to inspire peak performance through a combination of unique products and actionable information. Combining bleeding-edge science, earth-grown nutrients, and time-tested strategies from top athletes and medical professionals, we are dedicated to providing our customers with supplements, foods, and fitness equipment aimed at helping people achieve a new level of well-being we call Total Human Optimization.